Aircraft Maintenance: How To Avoid Any Mishaps
Are you considering working in the aviation industry? There are plenty of fantastic jobs in the field, and it’s an exciting industry to get into. With that being said the nature of aircraft maintenance brings a high potential for possible mishaps and injuries. Whether on a hanger, a ramp, or in a workshop, all aircraft maintenance workers need to be aware of the dangers and take extra precaution.
When workers recognize the associated hazards, they can safely enjoy all the thrills and rewards of the industry’s work. To keep you safe and educate you more on the possible hazards of aircraft maintenance, AeroVision has outlined the five most common sources of accidents and mishaps when performing maintenance on an aircraft.
High Powered Tools
When working in aircraft maintenance, you get to use a lot of high-quality tools. These include grinders, drills, and welding torches. Any repairs you need to make on an aircraft will often involve using these fabrication tools. Even when you are using industry leading tools, it’s still important to practice caution and keep your eyes, fingers, or skin safe from an accident.
Here are some tips while using these tools to help you remain safe and vigilant:
● First, never rush through a repair. When you hurry, you are not only more likely to make a shoddy repair, but you are also more prone to injury.
● Secondly, to prevent fatigue, take plenty of short breaks. A half a minute to a minute break can seriously help your focus.
Aircraft Chemicals and Hazardous Material
Aircrafts contain many different bio-hazardous materials including paints, lubricants, solvents, and fuel. These all contain concentrated chemicals that cause serious damage if exposed to the skin or inhaled. Mishandling these is the most common way people injure themselves or their co-workers. Luckily, correctly handling them is easy.
All workshops or hangers should have safety sheets posted with instructions on how to handle all the different hazardous materials at each site. These will include everything from using, storing, and disposal methods for the concentrated chemicals. Additionally, you should always wear your PPP, including your safety goggles and gloves. It also goes without saying, but never smoke in the vicinity of these chemicals. Finally, find and memorize where the chemical shower is at the facility you are working in in case of exposure.
Propellers, Rotor, and Other Engine Components
Engine components are one of the most dangerous parts of any aircraft. The propellers and rotors are fast-moving and sharp. Fortunately, the likelihood of an engine kicking on while you are working near it is low.
Working around aircraft engine components requires constant vigilance. Tie back any long hair and never wear loose or baggy clothing or jewelry. When you finish your repairs, double-check you grabbed all of your tools and any debris from around the turbine.
Shape of Aircrafts
Aircraft bodies are shaped for flight, and this, unfortunately, also means their shape is not easily accessible for repair crews. Many sites will build scaffolding and raised platforms around the aircraft to allow workers to get around. However, this creates holes and gaps that are easy to fall into if you are not paying close enough attention.
Follow all safety and ladder guidelines to stay safe while working around the awkward shape of an aircraft. If harnesses are available, wear one while working on scaffolding and platforms. Additionally, it never hurts to take a walk around the aircraft taking note of all the gaps and fall hazards before beginning a repair task.
Large Aircrafts
Aircrafts, especially commercial lines, are giant. When maneuvering into a hanger, it is hard for the operator to see everyone on the ground. You can easily be crushed by a wheel or a wing. Colliding with one of these is the last thing you want to happen to you on a work site.
Maintaining constant communication with the operator is the best way to avoid any accidents related to a moving aircraft. Additionally, only entering a ramp with permission is a good safety practice.
How do you practice maintenance safety? Comment below!
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About AeroVision International LLC: Founded in 2003, AeroVision International has become a trusted business partner to business and regional aircraft MR&O facilities and operators worldwide. AeroVision supplies business and regional commuter engines and engine parts (PT6 / PW100 / JT15D / PW300 / PW500 / TFE-731 / AE3007) in support of operators and MRO facilities around the world. With a strong focus on Embraer ERJ-135/145 and EMB120 aircraft, AeroVision offers sales & leasing of aircraft, engines, auxiliary power units, avionics and landing gear as well as outright or exchange sales of all major internal and external spare parts.